Reflections Podcast #4 – Dealing with Imposter Syndrome as a Leader with Shannon McGuirk

Taking the step into leadership can come with huge pressure, responsibilities and challenges.

Throw in a chunk of self-doubt, and a dose of high functioning anxiety, and the job becomes even more difficult!

So when Shannon McGuirk, Client Services & Delivery Director at Aira agreed to chat to me about her experiences with imposter syndrome, I was really excited to learn from her about what this feels like, and how she manages to deal with it, all whilst being on the leadership team of one of the UK’s most-respected agencies.

I found this episode really inspirational to record. It’s a must watch if you’re looking to move into a leadership position, or you’re already there and suffer with similar doubts.

Watch/listen to the the whole episode above (or below via the Spotify link) to hear about:

👉 Shannon’s journey to leadership, and the step up into a leadership team at an agency
👉 When imposter syndrome started, and what it feels like for her
👉 Some of the techniques Shannon uses to deal with imposter syndrome
👉 High functioning anxiety (what it is, how it can affect somebody)
👉 Other challenges she’s faced in a leadership role

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